Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Waves of a wavering tale

Mindless Thoughts, Ink-less Jots
Rewriting the unwritten
Bouncing back to fickle plots
Hounded by the dreams smitten
Weaving strings unattached, Binding links unbound
The plot lingers through the self, half-dazed
Plummeting down the way of mirth found
Talking to the dormant cast, unfazed
Treading through the imaginations wild
Into the story they perish
A smile as beatific as a child
Is what makes the heart cherish
The plot thickens with views penchant
Receptivity being incomplete
Writing only what the cast enchant
Filled with innocence replete
An earnest repartee is all that is entreated
With ears ever ready to hark
The indolent cast enacts retreated
Displaying the frivolous spark
Story creeps into the loop
Awaiting the culmination
Just before the tangles hoop
Saved by the real illumination
Amusing it is, the writer deems
Rewriting the unwritten
With heart content, the joy beams
To make the next out-written


Beneath the real, the horses run
Into the journey of the unsought
Amidst the woods, in the deep red sun
Racing through web of memories caught

Ponds of muddle makes one wonder
Is it half empty or half full ?
Imminent midway makes one ponder
Half way through or half more to pull  ?

With plethora of petals that unfold
Admire the rose or blanch the thorn?
Mirage in a mile the eyes behold
Is it indubitable or a con ?

Run persists, speed unprecedented
Into the unforeseen so slender
Back into real, thoughts fermented
A tantalizing mind so tender



Intangible mind, imperceptible thoughts
Leading one to endless droughts
If just an answer is what you crave
Mystic trail is what you pave

Mind beckons million illusions
Intellect reckons growing delusions
Better self jots its not a sin
Its felonious thinks the evil twin

Glimpses of charm go amiss
Discontent makes a bigger hiss
To give tranquility its fair share
Bid adieu to the mind affair

Intangible mind, imperceptible thoughts
Leading one to endless droughts



Flowing Contemplations Inspired
Enduring transitions Aspired
A Passion reincarnated
With Sanguinity inundated